The Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority was originated in 1976. The Authority was developed to provide efficient and effective conveyance and treatment of wastewater for its regional members.
General EAJSA business and administrative tasks are handled by the Executive Secretary. The Pretreatment Manager handles all facets of the Environmental Protection Agency mandated IPP for the EAJSA.

The Authority Board Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority (the “Authority”) Board will hold its regular monthly meetings in the year 2025 on the third Monday of each month. The Board’s meetings start at 5:00 p.m. and are held at the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority Administration Building Conference Room (50 South Delaware Drive Easton, PA 18042).
The Board’s meetings are open to the public. Public participation at the meeting is welcomed.
The meetings are held in-person. From time to time, the Board may also hold a hybrid meeting allowing members of the public the option to attend the meeting in-person or remotely, through use of the Zoom internet technology application, including telephone option, or other video and audio advanced communication technology (ACT). Members of the public interested in attending the meeting remotely should check the Authority’s website www.eajsa.com for details concerning possible ACT or telephone connection to the meeting. One or more Authority Board members will always be present at the in-person meeting site to allow access to the meeting, even if remote access to the meeting is also available.
The Board’s proposed agenda for a meeting can be found at the Authority’s website prior to each meeting. The Board’s proposed agenda may be subject to revision both prior to, and at the time of the Board’s meeting.
A copy of the Board’s meeting minutes will be available for public review after approval on www.eajsa.com.
Please view the links below for information pertaining to the current Board Meeting.
When it comes to “rags” and the sewer system, they don’t mix! They are small, but mighty, and can cause very costly damage to wastewater equipment. The consequences of the damages and repairs will be reflected in your sewer rates.
The reality of what happens when wipes/”rags” are flushed…
Engineering Committee Meeting
The Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority’s Engineering Committee will hold its regular monthly meetings in 2025 on the first Tuesday of each month.
The Committee’s meetings will be held in a hybrid format via video and audio advanced communication using the ZOOM internet application technology, and telephone option, and in-person at the Authority Office, 50-A South Delaware Drive, Easton, PA 18042.
The Committee’s meetings are open to the public. Public participation at the meeting is welcomed.
Please click the link below for the zoom/telephone invitation.
The Authority Board Meeting
Updated Notice – July through December 2023 Meetings
NOTICE is hereby given that the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority (the “Authority”) Board will hold its regular monthly meetings in the for the remainder of 2023 on the third Monday of each month in the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority’s new Administration Building Conference Room (50 South Delaware Drive Easton, PA 18042). The Board’s meetings will continue to begin at 6:00 p.m.
The Board’s meetings are open to the public. Public participation at the meeting is welcomed.
The meetings are held in-person. From time to time, the Board may also hold a hybrid meeting allowing members of the public the option to attend the meeting in-person or remotely, through use of the Zoom internet technology application, including telephone option, or other video and audio advanced communication technology (ACT). Members of the public interested in attending the meeting remotely should check the Authority’s website www.eajsa.com for details concerning possible ACT or telephone connection to the meeting. One or more Authority Board members will always be present at the in-person meeting site to allow access to the meeting, even if remote access to the meeting is also available.
The Board’s proposed agenda for a meeting can be found at the Authority’s website prior to each meeting. The Board’s proposed agenda may be subject to revision both prior to, and at the time of the Board’s meeting.
A copy of the Board’s meeting minutes will be available for public review after approval on www.eajsa.com.

Users please note: The information and resources on this website are provided as a service by the Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority to it’s customers, municipal members, staff, the community and to other users of the internet. The Authority makes no warranty to the user, either express or implied, of the contents of this site or of the other sites to which it links.